Keyboard Shortcuts
Navigate and perform actions easily with your keyboard.
In Framer, you can use pre-recorded key combinations to perform actions quickly. For instance, you can publish your site, duplicate an item, or add a frame.
To access all available keyboard shortcuts, click the project menu, locate Help, and select Keyboard Shortcuts. A pop-up will show the list of shortcuts.
Some helpful shortcuts are:
Publish Site: ⇧⌘P
Quick Actions: ⌘K
Library: ⌘/
Frame: F
Stack: S
Create Component: ⌥⌘K
Add Frame: ⌘⏎
Add Stack: ⌥⌘⏎
Remove Wrapper: ⌘⌫
Zoom to Fit: ⌘1
Zoom to Selection: ⌘2