How can I add meta titles and descriptions to each CMS item?


How can I add meta titles and descriptions to each CMS item?

Custom meta titles and descriptions are essential for SEO in every CMS item. They improve SEO, enhance user experience, support branding, and clarify content.

To include content from your CMS fields in your page titles and descriptions, use the {{ }} syntax. If your CMS lacks a Title field, create a plain text field for the page title. To use the CMS item's Title as the meta title, insert {{Title}} in the Title field of your page settings. Alternatively, you can utilize the existing Title field.

To add custom descriptions, insert a new plain text field into the CMS. You can name it "Description" or choose any other preferred name.

Then, you can add your description in the same way as you do for any fields in your CMS.

Please note that this will only work if the Title field in your CMS item is a plain text field.

For more information, please visit Framer Academy - Metadata.