Getting Started with the Partner Program


Getting Started with the Partner Program

Framer’s partner program allows you to earn a 50% commission on any client that you refer to Framer. This program offers three exciting ways to earn money while contributing to the Framer community.

Selling Templates

Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting, creating templates can be a lucrative way to earn through the Framer Partner Program. The great news is that it doesn't matter if your template is free or paid. When a user duplicates it, they will use your unique referral link. If they decide to upgrade to a paid plan afterward, you will earn an impressive 50% of that subscription fee for a whole year!

You can choose between publishing a free or paid template.

  • Free Templates: Free tamplates receive significant exposure within the app and are easily accessible to users. However, they typically convert to paid plans at a lower rate.

  • Paid Templates: Paid templates have a higher barrier to entry since users need to purchase them. However, they tend to convert to site plans at a higher rate.

Handing Over Client Sites

If you're a freelancer or agency, this opportunity is tailored just for you! To ensure you receive the subscription referral for a client project, please hand over the site with your remix link containing your partner tag at the end (&via=partner-tag). This ensures the referral is captured, and you'll see the subscription reflected in your FirstPromoter account. Follow the detailed instructions in this help article to ensure you and your client are set up for success!

If you actively build for clients, you should also explore our Expert program! Once you've created your portfolio in Framer and have built at least one client site in Framer, you can apply to become an Expert.

Sharing Your Affiliate Link

Are you planning to create content around Framer, such as courses, lessons, or blog posts? You can add the link with your unique partner tag at the end ( to get a referral for anyone who clicks through one of your links and purchases a Framer plan.

We are always thrilled to support the promotion of your courses, how-to videos, and blog posts, so please be sure to share your plans with us in the partner community so that we can prepare!

Note that partners are not permitted to run ads with their affiliate link. Any partner found in breach of this part of our terms and conditions will be immediately removed from the partner program.

Using FirstPromoter

FirstPromoter is the platform we use to manage partner referrals and payouts. Shortly after being accepted into the partner program, you'll receive an invitation from FirstPromoter. Here, you'll find your affiliate tag and can track your payments.

  • If you're an affiliate, this is the direct link you'll use.

  • If you're building templates or working with clients, you'll need to add a version of this tag to the end of your remix link (like so:

Ensuring the correct setup is crucial because we can only attribute referrals if the partner tag is added to remix links correctly.

Important Reminders

  • Always use the remix link when building for clients and creating templates.

  • When embedding Framer in content like blogs or courses, use the affiliate link.

  • We can only attribute sites to partners handed over to clients with the remix link containing the partner tag at the end.

Partner Payouts

For partner payouts, we'll pay you two months after you make $200. This delay allows for any potential refunds on templates. We do batch our partner program payouts, so you'll receive the payout in the batch that's closest to you hitting $200. We paid August payouts in November, July payouts in October, etc.

Attribution differences between affiliate and remix links

Understanding the differences in how affiliate and remix links attribute credit is crucial for making the most of these methods.

Affiliate links on Framer use a specific format (e.g., and rely on cookies that remain active for an impressive 90-day period. These links credit the initial partner responsible for directing customers to, following a "first-touch" model. However, it is important to note potential issues related to cookies, such as their reliance on customers accepting the privacy policy, vulnerability to ad or tracker blockers, and Safari's limitation of keeping client-side cookies for only seven days.

In contrast, remix links on Framer (for instance, do not track visible clicks, but they ensure conversion visibility in your FirstPromoter account. These links guarantee revenue security by directly attributing earnings, regardless of cookie settings or user browsing methods. Unlike affiliate links, remix links operate solely in the backend and maintain a 90-day attribution period. They can override default attribution models, guaranteeing payment for the specific assisted project, even if previous cookie attribution was in place.

We hope this explanation helps you navigate our attribution system! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to