This Localization update brings many features and improvements to help you take your localized website to the next level. While remaining simple on the surface, these features add powerful Localization flexibility, empowering you to meet the needs of a global audience. Hiding CMS Items and Web Pages per Locale lets you provide the most relevant content for each site visitor, while Localized Slugs & Redirects give you full control over your site URLs. In addition, the new Set Locale action in Components enables you to build fully custom Locale pickers to match the specific needs of your site. See the full changelog below.
Excluding CMS Items per Locale
Excluding Web Pages per Locale
Localized Slugs for CMS Items
Set Locale action in Components
Redirects support for Localization
Custom title for Site Language
Locale Picker & Search now use page effects
Text within Transforms can now be Localized
Redirects now update with slug/path changes
Switching Locales will now follow redirects
Translate All is now scoped to visible items
Localization table is now searchable by field
Duplicated layers now clear their translations
Localized Images now support Focal Points
Fixed an indexing bug with multiple Locales
Fixed Search Scope in non-default Locales
This Localization update brings many features and improvements to help you take your localized website to the next level. While remaining simple on the surface, these features add powerful Localization flexibility, empowering you to meet the needs of a global audience. Hiding CMS Items and Web Pages per Locale lets you provide the most relevant content for each site visitor, while Localized Slugs & Redirects give you full control over your site URLs. In addition, the new Set Locale action in Components enables you to build fully custom Locale pickers to match the specific needs of your site. See the full changelog below.
Excluding CMS Items per Locale
Excluding Web Pages per Locale
Localized Slugs for CMS Items
Set Locale action in Components
Redirects support for Localization
Custom title for Site Language
Locale Picker & Search now use page effects
Text within Transforms can now be Localized
Redirects now update with slug/path changes
Switching Locales will now follow redirects
Translate All is now scoped to visible items
Localization table is now searchable by field
Duplicated layers now clear their translations
Localized Images now support Focal Points
Fixed an indexing bug with multiple Locales
Fixed Search Scope in non-default Locales
This Localization update brings many features and improvements to help you take your localized website to the next level. While remaining simple on the surface, these features add powerful Localization flexibility, empowering you to meet the needs of a global audience. Hiding CMS Items and Web Pages per Locale lets you provide the most relevant content for each site visitor, while Localized Slugs & Redirects give you full control over your site URLs. In addition, the new Set Locale action in Components enables you to build fully custom Locale pickers to match the specific needs of your site. See the full changelog below.
Excluding CMS Items per Locale
Excluding Web Pages per Locale
Localized Slugs for CMS Items
Set Locale action in Components
Redirects support for Localization
Custom title for Site Language
Locale Picker & Search now use page effects
Text within Transforms can now be Localized
Redirects now update with slug/path changes
Switching Locales will now follow redirects
Translate All is now scoped to visible items
Localization table is now searchable by field
Duplicated layers now clear their translations
Localized Images now support Focal Points
Fixed an indexing bug with multiple Locales
Fixed Search Scope in non-default Locales